Why was PPLRRG formed?
In 2002, the malpractice insurance market was all but disappearing. This lack of options was proving extremely difficult for medical professionals everywhere. The medical staff at the Memorial Hospital System was experiencing the same difficulties, and they decided to do something about it.
Memorial Hospital started the RRG for Memorial staff, to provide a stable malpractice program for its members. This was a good place to start because Memorial’s staff represented an actuarially solid group of medical professionals. Since 2002, PPLRRG has increased its membership to include three additional hospital systems, Adventist Health System of Florida, Bethesda Medical Center in Boynton Beach, and Parrish Medical Center in Titusville. All four hospital systems were selected because of their stable and successful background in treating patients and providing exemplary service to their communities.
PPLRRG exists to provide comprehensive malpractice insurance to qualifying members who should be insured. We are not an adverse risk insurer. Because of PPLRRG’s captive nature, we are able to underwrite with inside knowledge, which allows us to see the bigger picture. A claim is not, in and of itself, an issue. Our underwriting process looks at the whole professional. Does he or she take good care of patients? Is he or she conscientious?
Being a staff member of the named facilities does not guarantee a placement with PPLRRG. All physicians will be fully underwritten and a completed application will be required.